Campus Policies
- Rules & Expectations
- Dress Code
- Placement/Review for Exit
- Classes
- Advisory Teacher
- Academic & Behavior Expectations
- Academic Structure
- Enrollment Procedure
- Transportation
- Criminal Trespass Law
- Meals
- Salazar Contacts
Rules & Expectations
General Student Rules:
- Students must follow the rules of the Salazar Learning Center and the CFBISD Student Code of Conduct.
- The district’s policy for Acceptable Use for Technology Resources is in effect during placement and consequences may be assigned in accordance with policy.
- To ensure the safety of all students and staff, backpacks, purses or wallets, cell phones, electronic devices and money are not allowed on campus. All money brought to school will be put into the student’s cafeteria account.
- Gang associated activities, including attire, symbols, signs, gestures, etc. are strictly prohibited. Exhibiting such behavior could incite violence and will result in severe disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.
- Salazar strives to maintain a positive environment for students and staff. Students must be in dress code when they enter the building, including wearing their Salazar ID at all times. Students will be asked to change any clothing that violates these standards and will not be allowed in the classroom until properly dressed.
- The district provides bus transportation to Salazar. Students who fail to follow the Riders Code of Conduct will receive disciplinary consequences up to and including removal from bus transportation. Students will not be able to ride the bus without proper school ID. No student vehicles are allowed on Salazar campus.
- According to Texas state law, all school campuses other than the DAEP campus are off limits to students during their placement period, including attendance at Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD extra-curricular activities on or off school property. Students violating this law are subject to criminal trespass charges and further discipline action.
Exiting From DAEP:
A review for exit from DAEP will be held upon completion of the DAEP program requirements; however, non-attendance or lack of positive progress in behavior and academics may result in an extension of the placement time. Students may return to the home campus only after obligations for completion have been fulfilled. Expulsion from the program can occur if the student chooses to violate the above guidelines or Student Code of Conduct.
Dress Code
Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD
Bea Salazar Learning Center
Required Student Uniform Dress Code 2023-24
In addition to the Dress and Grooming Policy of the CFBISD Student Code of Conduct, students at the Bea Salazar Learning Center must be in the dress code outlined below starting their first day of enrollment. Please prepare for the dress code as follows:
Solid black, gray, navy, or white button-up, polo, or crew neck shirt is required. All shirts/blouses
must have sleeves. No V-necks or low necklines. No logos larger than 2 inches are permitted. Shirts must be long enough to not expose skin (around stomach area and back). Undergarments may not be visible through the shirt. Two dress code shirts may be worn.
Black, gray, khaki, navy, or white-colored pants, shorts, or skirts are required. Bottoms must fit properly. Bottoms may be worn only if they have no frays, holes, or rips. Joggers (drawstring-style) are allowed. Pants may not sag in the rear; pants must fit on the hips without a belt. Pants may not be rolled or cuffed. No athletic shorts or tights may be worn under the required pants or shorts. Cargo pants or shorts (those with numerous pockets on the legs) are not allowed. Skirts/shorts must be no more than 3 inches above the knee. Jeggings, leggings, sweatpants or yoga pants are not permitted.
Any color socks are allowed. No reference to alcohol, drugs, or violence are permitted on the socks.
ATHLETIC/GYM SHOES (tennis shoes) are required. Shoes should have rubber soles. Any color is allowed. Shoes must be worn as purchased. (No added accessories are permitted on shoes.)
Sweaters or sweatshirts worn inside the building must be solid black, gray, navy, or white only. Hoodies may not be worn. No pockets are allowed on the sweaters or sweatshirts. Outerwear, including (but not limited to) coats, hats, caps, and gloves, must be left at the front door.
Solid (no name or logos) black, brown, khaki, gray, navy, or white belts may be worn if pants, shorts, or skirts have belt loops. Belt buckles should not exceed 1.5 inches. Belts must not contain studs, jewelry, logos, or names.
No logos larger than 2 inches may be visible on any item of clothing.
Jewelry will not be worn.
Tongue rings, lip rings, eyebrow rings, ear gauges, or nose rings are not permitted. No spacers or bandages allowed.
Tattoos may not create a distraction to the learning environment.
All items worn in hair (elastics, bobby pins, etc.) should be solid black, brown, gray, navy, or white.
Hairstyle and color must comply with the CFBISD Code of Conduct.
Bags, backpacks, wallets, and purses are not allowed on campus.
Fingernails may not extend more than ½ inch beyond the tip of the finger.
Gang-related dress code violations will result in disciplinary action.
Principal is the Final Authority
The Board delegates to the principal the authority to make final determinations as to whether clothing or grooming is or is not within this policy. The ruling of the building principal regarding compliance or non-compliance with the Dress & Grooming Policy and corresponding consequences assigned for violation of this policy is final, and may not be appealed to the Superintendent, his/her designee, or the Board.
Placement/Review for Exit
District guidelines state that a first placement in DAEP is for 45 days, with a review at 30 days.
Second and subsequent placements during a school year are for 60 days.
Success Trackers
Success trackers are used to check and communicate progress across three domains:
- Attendance
- Behavior and Social-Emotional Skills
- Academics (Effort and Grades)
We aim to have all students succeed in all three areas. Students who fall below expectations in any of these areas may need to meet with advisors and administration to set goals and make a plan for improving.
Review for Exit
- Students are reviewed for possible exit from DAEP when they have demonstrated continued success in attendance, behavior, and academics (grades).
- Releases (or exits) are contingent upon the student’s completion of DAEP requirements.
Factors considered in review include:
- Attendance
- Behavior
- Academics (Effort and Grades)
- Our daily class schedule is: 7 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
- Middle school students have 7 classes a day.
- High school students have 8 classes, on a rotating A-day/B-day block schedule.
- All students’ schedules mirror their class schedule at their home school.
- Students also receive instruction in personal growth, self discipline, and social skills.
Advisory Teacher
Advisory Teachers: Caring Mentors & Advocates
- Each student is assigned an advisory teacher while at Salazar.
- The advisory teacher serves as your student’s advocate, providing guidance on a daily, ongoing basis.
- Parents can expect bi-weekly contact from the advisory teacher.
- Please feel free to contact your student’s advisory teacher with any questions or concerns.
- As needed, students also have sessions with the Counselor, Behavior Resource Specialist, and/or campus Administrators.
Academic & Behavior Expectations
- Must follow rules of Bea Salazar Learning Center and CFBISD’s Student Code of Conduct.
- Complete all assigned academic work.
- Must be in dress code (including ID) and on time.
- Respectful at all times to staff and peers.
- Maintain self-control.
- Eyes open, head up.
- Raise hand for permission to speak, stand or get out of your desk.
- Follow all directions.
Attendance Policies
- Your student will need to attend school every day for attendance credit AND to earn points toward their successful release from Salazar.
- Class starts at 7 a.m., so students need to be in the front door between 6:40 - 6:50 a.m., to get through the check-in procedure, and be prepared to start class on time. Buses drop off around 6:40 a.m.
- Students are tardy if not in line by 7 a.m.
- Students who arrive more than 15 minutes late will be counted absent from that class on their Success Trackers.
- Parents must report any absences to the attendance clerk so they can be verified in accordance with CFBISD Attendance Policies. Attendance requirements specific to remote learning will be explained by office staff and/or the student’s advisory teacher upon enrollment.
Academic Structure
Senate Bill 1, Chapter 37, as passed by the 74th Texas Legislature, establishes the following academic provisions for students placed into DAEP: “Each school district shall provide an alternative education program that focuses on English language arts, mathematics, science, history, and self-discipline . . .”
All students are taught by certified classroom teachers using district curriculum. In addition, activities led by the staff are designed to teach students new ways of thinking and behaving to enhance their self-discipline.
Enrollment Procedure
Transportation Options
- Parents will select the mode of transportation for the student while at Salazar, by using the school’s Transportation Form: school bus, parent-arranged pick-up, or student walks to/from school.
- Students awaiting parent pick up should be promptly picked up at 2:15 p.m. dismissal. No students are allowed on campus after 2:30 p.m. each day.
- Parents must call the school if student is changing their mode of transportation (even for just a day).
- No student vehicles are allowed on campus.
Transportation - Bus Service
- Contact 972.968.6320
- For students who will ride the bus, select your student’s bus stop from the Salazar Bus Stop List on the Salazar website’s Online Enrollment page.
- Before any student can ride the bus to/from Salazar, the parent/guardian must also register their student for Salazar bus service on the website of the CFBISD Transportation Department.
- For help finding the nearest stop to your address, use the CFBISD Transportation website’s online bus route map and bus stop search tool.
- Students must have their Salazar ID and be eligible to ride to be transported by bus.
- Students will board and leave the bus at their designated stops only.
- Students are responsible for following the CFBISD Bus Riders’ Code of Conduct.
- If a student has two violations of the Bus Riders’ Code of Conduct, bus privileges are terminated for the remainder of student’s placement at Bea Salazar Learning Center
Criminal Trespass Law
Warning: Criminal Trespass Law
- According to Texas state law, all CFBISD school campuses and facilities, except the Salazar campus, are off-limits to students during their DAEP placement period.
- This includes all school properties and extra-curricular activities.
- Students violating this law are subject to criminal trespass charges and further disciplinary action.
Salazar Contacts
General Rules
• Follow all rules of the Bea Salazar Learning Center and CFBISD’s Student Code of Conduct;
• Complete all assigned academic work;
• Be on time and in dress code, including ID;
• Be respectful at all times to staff and peers;
• Maintain self-control;
• Keep eyes open, head up, ready to learn;
• Raise hand for permission to speak, stand, or get out of your desk; and
• Follow all staff directions.
No cash
No cell phones
- No backpacks, purses, or wallets
- No combs, picks, or hair brushes
- No jewelry including spacers
- No pens, pencils, books, notebooks
- No makeup, lotion, lip gloss, lip balm
- NO student vehicles will be allowed on DAEP campus